Tuesday 17 February 2015

The Mentality to Eat Well

Changing your Mentality for Permanent Weight Loss

How do you catch yourself before you lose the battle? And how do you achieve a healthy weight without going through the dreaded and dangerous yo-yo cycle of gain and loss?
The diet mentality is a dinosaur approach these days. “Dieting side effects” of deprivation, headaches, acidity, semi-starvation, tummy bloating and irregular digestion, moodiness, dehydration, and angst over body shape and size only set us up for an exhaustive path to repeated failure and reduced confidence in both mind and body. If you are going to stave off long-term weight gain or maintain weight loss for a long period, staging a dramatic plan for yet another quick fix is not going to work. I’m sorry if you thought that you had finally found THE DIET, but picking a guru who tells you that a particular food or type of nutrient is causing your weight gain will not work.
Instead of endlessly switching diets to find the magic mixture, you have to start with your relationship with your own body. In order to maintain health, your approach to eating has to fit within a broader lifestyle that includes exercise, mental, social and spiritual health. Choose or create environments that make you think, “healthy living.” In my practice, we invite this mental shift by offering a spa environment where progressive nutrition programs incorporate massage, reflexology, and acupuncture. This approach fosters a mind-body connection.

Try these 6 steps to make a difference.

1) It’s All Begins in Your Mind, Believe It
Make a mental change to eat for life vs. being on a “diet.” Move away from the diet lifestyle to real healthy living. Tell yourself that you are going to change the way you eat and have belief that you are going to do it. Have confidence and trust that your body will respond to the healthy new choices you will make. Set yourself up for success. Your ability to achieve results starts from within.

2) Get Help
Seek professional advice and coaching. All too many of us are self-proclaimed diet experts with little success and training. Trying to sift through the diet of the week is unnecessary and often stressful, overwhelming, and unhealthy. An effective approach to healthy eating should combine nutrition science (yes, your coach should have medical and food knowledge as well as the ability to offer you options to make eating healthier easy and more pleasurable) and a working plan that will make this your last diet. It is worthwhile to share any health concerns you have with your nutrition specialist as they may be impeding your success.

3) Stimulate Your Metabolism
The key to releasing weight lies in increasing and maintaining a good metabolism. Start off by getting your motor running with a healthy breakfast. Eat throughout the day to stabilize blood sugar levels (and prevent a slowing of your burn rate). Keep anxiety levels and stress hormones at bay (a.k.a. RELAX) to allow the body to feel safe and free to burn and release weight. When the body is stressed it protects itself by holding onto stored energy (body fat), ratcheting down metabolism and promoting unstable blood sugar levels.

4) Get Fresh: Choose Real Food
Instead of wasting your time reading food labels and chasing the fad diet de jour, start by applying this rule only: Eat Real Food. Ask yourself is your food coming from the good mother earth, an animal or the factory down town? Avoid processed foods. The added sugars, fats, and salt slow digestion. Fresh is best for getting natural digestives and enzymes to speed metabolism and promote overall health. Organic grown herbs and spices bring simple fresh food to life and make eating the pleasure it was meant to be.

5) Be Flexible and Smile
There is no perfect way to eat. One may have certain general rules, but being too rigid will only set you up for failure. Stressing out is a sure fire way to short circuit healthy behaviors and work against metabolism. If being on the diet treadmill is exhausting you, give yourself a break and seek help. Keep your sense of humor and stay away from making judgments about “good” or “bad” food behavior. Accept that healthy weight change is a natural result of healthy eating and living.

6) Go! What are you waiting for?
Write out your goals and go for it!
If you are serious about changing your diet, start with a written food log. Get a grip as to what your eating habits are all about. Research says people who keep food records lose weight! Its all about staying in tune with yourself ...

Check out The Nutritional Wellness blog to Ask Rianne about more tips to keep you and your family eating healthy all year.
Have a great week
Stay Well


Sunday 15 February 2015

Juicing your Juices ...

Liquid fasting diets are a great method of losing weight while getting rid of a number of unhealthy toxins from your body. Liquid fasting diets are very beneficial if followed properly. A liquid fasting diet gives your body a thorough internal cleaning while letting your digestive system take a much needed break. Juice or detox fasting diets are different from only water fasting diets because you can consume all kinds of liquids and juices while on a juice fast. Liquid fasting is also made easy by the fact that you can regulate your nutritional intake based on the amount of calorie burning that you do.

Juice diets are basically called so because of the obvious fact that almost everything that you can consume while on this diet is in the form of some kind of juice. Investing in a juicer, if you do not already own one, is a good idea if you plan to take your juice diet seriously. Since juice diets are a kind of detox fasting, you are supposed to stay off milk and other liquid dairy products. Instead of making the juice in a blender, it is also advised that you use only a juicer. This is because a blended liquid still contains fiber which was present in the fruit or vegetable, while a juicer gives you an almost fiber free juice.
While juices with fiber are supposed to be healthy when you are on a normal diet, they are not advised when you are on a juice fast. This is because if you consume fibers or milk while on your liquid fast, your digestive system will still have to keep processing as normal. If you give your digestive system a break by taking fiber less foods, then the energy that usually goes towards digesting food can be applied towards healing the body. Apart from this, your immune system also gets a break from fighting food related bacteria and viruses and it can concentrate on other ailments attacking different parts of your body.

A juice fast thus has many benefits. It is one of the best types of detox fasting, since juices help in ridding your body of toxins. On the other hand, a steady intake of juices provides your body with a good amount of vitamins and minerals that one generally fails to consume in the required amounts when on a normal diet. Juice fasting is also a great weight loss method, since it helps in the removal of excess fatty tissues from the body. This kind of liquid fast also boosts your immune system.

On the other hand, you can continue with your normal lifestyle while on a juice fast, since you can get enough energy from drinking juices to do almost any kind of work. You can decide on the amount of juice that you want to consume based on the amount of activity that do and your appetite. How intense you want your detoxification to be is another factor that should determine your intake of juice, since the less juice you drink, the greater is the detoxification. Similarly, the benefits of weight loss and detoxification are directly proportional to your fasting period. You can fast for as less as three days and as long as 40 days. Once you are through with your liquid fast, you will feel revitalized and energized and even look and feel younger.

Saturday 14 February 2015

How To De-Stress and Renew

Follow my family and I while we energize and renew ourselves.

Taking regular stress stops during the day can instantly help boost your relaxation levels and improve your thinking and move.

Inhale. Exhale... and Repeat   

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Water Water Everywhere....

Why not try and flush your system every few days with the maximum water intake you can manage .....?

If you're not drinking enough, you could end up with excess body fat, poor muscle tone, digestive complications, muscle soreness -- even water-retention problems.

Next to air, water is the element most necessary for survival. A normal adult is 60 to 70 percent water. We can go without food for almost two months, but without water only a few days. Yet most people have no idea how much water they should drink. In fact, many live in a dehydrated state.

Without water, we'd be poisoned to death by our own waste products. When the kidneys remove uric acid and urea, these must be dissolved in water. If there isn't enough water, wastes are not removed as effectively and may build up as kidney stones. Water also is vital for chemical reactions in digestion and metabolism. It carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells through the blood and helps to cool the body through perspiration. Water also lubricates our joints.

We even need water to breathe: our lungs must be moist to take in oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide. It is possible to lose a pint of liquid each day just exhaling.

So if you don't drink sufficient water, you can impair every aspect of your physiology. By not drinking enough, many people incur excess body fat, poor muscle tone and size, decreased digestive efficiency and organ function, increased toxicity in the body, joint and muscle soreness and water retention."

Water retention? If you're not drinking enough, your body may retain water to compensate. Paradoxically, fluid retention can sometimes be eliminated by drinking more water, not less.

"Proper water intake is a key to weight loss. If people who are trying to lose weight don't drink enough water, the body can't metabolize the fat adequately. Retaining fluid also keeps weight up.

The minimum for a healthy person is eight to ten eight-ounce glasses a day. You need more if you exercise a lot or live in a hot climate. And overweight people should drink in an extra glass for every 25 pounds they exceed their ideal weight.

Your intake should be spread throughout the day and evening. You may wonder: If I drink this much, won't I constantly be running to the toilet? Yes. But after a few weeks, your bladder tends to adjust and you urinate less frequently but in larger amounts.

And by consuming those eight to ten glasses of water throughout the day, you could be on your way to a healthier, leaner body.

Monday 30 July 2012

Find me on Instagram "

After 3 hours and limited patience, i have finally made it on Facebook

Join me .....on FACEBOOK

Monday 16 July 2012

Ways to combat the excess Pounds with good food....

Along with a healthy excersise routine you will be on your way to fghting fit and shedding the pounds in no time, stumbleupon.com came up with these cruicial steps


Stay hydrated.
Active individuals actually require more water and should aim to consume roughly 1 gallon per day to avoid becoming dehydrated. And if you’re one of those people who hates drinking water, consider this: Dehydrated individuals burn less fat than their well-watered counterparts.

Eat more frequently. Eating 5—6 small meals a day as opposed to “three squares a day” causes your metabolism to work constantly. Eating larger meals, on the other hand, slows your metabolism and forces leftover calories to be stored as fat.

Eat protein. Since muscle-building is the fastest route to slim down, you want to make sure that your protein consumption is enough to keep up with your weight training. Eat too little protein and your gains could be much slower. Get 1—1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day to help your muscle gains along. Use protein bars and shakes to supplement your whole-food consumption and stave off cravings.

Get leafy. Those who eat a salad before dinner tend to consume less calories overall during dinner. But don’t sabotage yourself — stay away from high-fat dressings like ranch, blue cheese and Caesar.

Skip happy hour. Alcohol consumption can temporarily blunt testosterone levels, hindering muscle repair and growth and blunting sexual drive. Also, the calories from alcoholic beverages — in the neighborhood of 100—200 each without cocktail mixers — add up faster than you may think.

Cut out soda. Instead, rely on water and other flavored drinks like Crystal Light to get your fluids every day. If you drink one soda per day, you’re adding 1,750 calories per week to your diet. Also, studies have shown that those who regularly consume diet sodas tend to gain weight in the long run because of overindulgences elsewhere.

Calories out! The goal in any fat-loss or weight-loss program should be to burn more calories than you consume. Aim to cut total calorie consumption by about 250 calories per day. Yes, that means you’ll have to figure out how many calories you eat in a normal day. Get on it. The math will pay big dividends later.

Got the munchies? If you can do without the butter and salt, plain popcorn is a winner. Two quarts has the same number of calories as just 20 potato chips. By substituting 1 cup of plain, unbuttered popcorn for a 1-ounce bag of chips, you’ll save 135 calories and 10 grams of fat.

The magical fruit. Subjects who ate half of a grapefruit with meals or drank 8 ounces of grapefruit juice three times a day lost 4 pounds (with some losing more than 10 pounds) in 12 weeks without dieting.

Carb smart. Keep your carbohydrates low to moderate when trying to lose weight. If you rotate low- and high-carb days, you’ll be able to keep your energy levels up while running a caloric deficit. Good, clean, fiber-rich carbs include oats, potatoes, rice and whole-grain bread. Also, limit high-carb drinks like fruit juice to postworkout, when your body needs carbs to speed recovery.

Operation Dinner Out. Be diligent when ordering in a restaurant. Have your meats grilled without oil or grease. Ask for steamed vegetables with no butter. Get a salad (no cheese) with either low-fat dressing or vinaigrette.

Avoid simple sugars. Too much sugar in your diet can wreak havoc on your metabolism by spiking your insulin response and promoting the accumulation of bodyfat over time. Immediately after exercise, however, is an ideal time to ingest simple sugars; otherwise, steer clear.

GI Low. For most of the day, your carb options should be of the low-glycemic variety, meaning they’re digested and burned more slowly. Athletes who eat low-GI carbs burn more fat throughout the day.

Eat more fiber. Fiber, both soluble and insoluble, is essential to health and helps decrease bodyfat. Adults should consume 35—40 grams of fiber per day, with about a third of that coming from insoluble fibrous sources. Along with whole grains rich in beneficial fiber, consume high amounts of fibrous vegetables, such as broccoli, to attain your daily intake. High-fiber foods also promote satiety.

Timed consumption. When you eat is just as important as what you eat. Many people who eat way too much at night should re-evaluate their eating patterns. Eat two-thirds of your day’s calories before dinnertime to avoid overeating late in the day.

Prepare. Watch what you eat around work. If your workplace serves nothing healthy, tote food or snacks along with you. If you’re attending a workplace function in which only junk food is served, pre-eat. Having recently eaten something that’s healthy and adequate in calories to meet your energy needs, it’s easier to say no to the junk and empty calories.

Get yolked. Eating eggs for breakfast was recently found to reduce hunger and food intake for up to 24 hours.

Slow down, Turbo! Successful dieters and fitness buffs will tell you that fast eating and bodyfat go hand in hand because you end up overeating. It takes about 10 minutes for the food in your stomach to signal your brain that you’ve eaten enough.

Don’t be salty. Excess sodium consumption can make you look softer and cause you to burn less fat. Most people get way too much, anyway, especially if you eat a lot of processed foods. To help you look leaner and strip sodium from your diet, drink more water, cut back on highly processed foods and switch to potassium chloride to season your foods.

Got milk? Research has shown that individuals who consume high levels of dietary calcium in a 24-hour period had higher rates of fat oxidation that day than those who consumed lesser amounts. So stock up on low-fat versions of cheese, milk and yogurt; if you’re lactose intolerant, choose dark-green leafy vegetables, legumes and almonds.

Go nuts! Eating a handful of almonds was found to help test subjects lose 62% more weight, 56% more fat and 50% more from their waistline after 24 weeks compared to those who followed the same diet without almonds.